Not only are we pumped to take our new three-piece act on the road and play songs from the new album, we have a few NEW new songs to throw at the west and southwest. That's how fresh we keep it here at H Is for Hellgate, people.
And, as if the modern spiritual quest that is the indie band tour wasn't enough for us, we're also going to attempt to complete the RPM Challenge - writing and recording an album in the month of February in the van. How sick is that? (I think I'm using the term "sick" correctly here yes, kids?)
Ben will also be filming our hilarious adventures with a neat little video recording device he got for Christmas. We'll post 'em here on the blog, but head over to our YouTube ( site if you need to waste some time at work and get caught up on Hellgate adventures of the past.
We will see you soon, following cities:
Thursday, February 5th, East End, Portland,OR with AristeiA, A Cautionary Tale
Friday, February 6th at Luckey's, Eugene, OR with The Dead Americans and The Ovulators
Saturday, February 7th at Lil Red Lion, Eureka, CA
Tuesday, February 10th at The Hemlock, San Franscico, CA with Guitar Vs Gravity and Echodrone
Wednesday, February 11th at The Redwood Bar, Los Angeles, CA with Magnuson
Thurdsay, February 12th at Bar Pink, San Diego, CAFriday,
February 13th at the The HangART (all ages), Tucson, AZ with Beloved Binge
Saturday, February 14th at Warehouse 21 (all ages), Santa Fe, NM
Sunday, February15th, Atomic Cantina, Albuquerque, NM
Tuesday, February17th, Ruby Room, Phoenix, AZ
Thursday, February 19th at Beauty Bar, Las Vegas, NV
Friday, February 20th, Knucklehead's, Reno, NV
Saturday, February 21st, Kennel Club, Sacramento, CA with Starring Morgan Freeman
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