And now, a personal story about me and the Moog guitar

We were pretty much married at that point.
For people who aren't gearheads and are unfamiliar with the Moog guitar, here's the rundown: it's the first guitar manufactured by Moog, a synthesizer and effects maker whose gear you have heard in many, many spacey/keyboard songs. Paul Vo, Samantha's dad basically walked in off the street, talked to the big cheese at Moog about this crazy idea he had, and WHAM, a guitar that sounds like a spaceship and plays like butter. (That's my review anyway. Thank you and good night.) He's won a bunch of awards n' shit too.
Here's some dude laying it down on the Moog guitar:
I decided that I really liked this Samantha chick and I've kept her around. Coincidentally, her parents are in town this week and Paul kindly brought his prototype of the guitar with him for me to play tomorrow (Friday, May 15th) at the Mars Bar.
In honor of the inherent geekdom of the guitar, we're playing with two of my favorite bands - Panther Attack and Wah Wah Exit Wound. You should definitely come down and hang out if you're in Seattle.
HELLGATE CLUB FOR MUSICALLY ADVANCED LADIES AND GENTLEMEN has launched with hella success! Thank you so much to our new and old friends in Spokane, Bozeman, and Missoula for coming out to see us play and snatching up 1/3 of the 100 copies of our spring demo CD. Seattle, your chance to get these hot, handmade CDs is finally here tomorrow at our show. Get some!
(I feel gross for saying, "Get some.")
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