Day 3 of Tour "Talk About It" (working title)

We also debuted a new song for the fine people of Eugene, "New York Times," and it seemed to go over well.
Before the show we went to dinner at the Eugene City Brewery which is a Rogue beer place. The whole Rogue beer thing seemed a little cult-ish because our server wouldn't leave the table until we all agreed to sign up to be a part of the "Rogue Nation" which, apparently, has "benefits." I hope they have luck sending me marketing material care of Julie Ross in Kent.
We also got a little write-up in the Eugene Weekly which was good (I think...). It gives a little bit of an energy boost when we know that, when going to a town where few to no people know us, some might be persuaded to give us a try.
Thank you again to The Dead Americans to being fantastic hosts and breakfast company. Today we had a lovely drive through the Redwoods down to Eureka. Guess what? We found the ocean! Ask us how:
We attempted to start recording our RPM album based off of some fresh guitar stuff Jon was playing, but I discovered that there was some weird interference, probably because the power is coming from the van battery. But, I think we have a work around.
Many more rad videos and pictures have been taken by Ben and Samantha which will be posted soon. This is just to let you know we're still alive and causing just a little bit of trouble. As for now, we're sitting in a dive-bar-turned-nice-dive-bar called Lil' Red Hen in Eureka waiting to find out if other bands are on the bill with us as the three regulars watch bull riding. My hunch is that I'm going to be digging deep into my solo folk/country repertoire to fill up some time. And, I'm wishing we would have learned YYZ already.
More soon.
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