Just how holy was that matrimony?
The groom-to-be on his last night of freedom:
Mid-Tina Fey: the only chance I have to use my hands for something other than playing guitar.
It was a super fun show and a fairly weirdo-free night as far as the Blue Moon goes - no old guys asked if they could shit in my lawn and David didn't see anybody puke spaghetti in the alley.
The next day, Ben and Emily got married at Golden Gardens. It was beautiful and amazing. They walked in with Daft Punk playing, said some words about how they would take care of each other for all eternity, kissed, and three minutes later, there was dancing and food.
The members of AGTSK, WE and Hellgate, along with Matt Brown, Andy and others, sat together at the tables closest to the food and the bar. Guess who the rowdy people were? Guess who got the dancing started? Guess who continued the dancing? Yep. Photos by me.
This is the pretty table setting:
This is Marie and Matt Brown waiting for drinking to become acceptable. Note the "HOORAY"

Emily the bride and Matt Brown, The original Lady's Man:
Kristen in a Matt Brown and Marie sandwich. Obviously, the vodka lemonade drinks were 1) flowing freely and 2) taking effect:

I don't know what this was about, but it looks like Rick was being dressed in the table cloth and Ben had something to say about it:
Mike doing some unsolicited drrrty dancing with me:
Never afraid to break from tradition - Ben's car didn't get the usual post-wedding treatment of strings of cans and "just married" written all over, but MY van got crap put all over it by someone in my band who plays guitar and isn't me:
Sadly, I failed to snap any photos of the post-wedding trip to Mandarin Gate where a party of about 25 of us took over karaoke. It was a remarkable night of singing, more dancing (Have you ever seen dancing to karaoke? STELLAR.), and me being pulled on top of the crowd of everybody and being forced to crowd surf while I was belting out Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'."
The end.
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