Day 1 of Tour "F Everyone But Us" (working title)

It doesn't quite feel like we're on tour yet because we're only in Portland, a city we visit pretty frequently. So, we're having some mandatory bonding time at Powell's bookstore to pass the day until we head down to Eugene to have a friend-band extravaganza with The Dead Americans and the Ovulators.
The show last night was pretty good but we had to cut our set short due to the first band, thrown on last-minute as a part of the early art show, playing over an hour long set. We arrived at the venue a couple hours early because we gave ourselves extra time as not to be caught in the infamous SEA/PDX traffic, but the penalty was having to sit around for two hours before we could load in. Here's a thrilling tour-check in with the gang as we take in some free East End food. I'm sure Ben has more exciting videos, but I don't know where he's at right now.

Anyway, the two bands that were actually a part of the bill, AristeiA and A Cautionary Tale, were a good fit with us and very nice and did not play for too long. They were also kind enough to donate their portion of the door money to us for the road. Thank you!
Thank you also to Sara for putting us up last night. After a good night's sleep we headed to the Rumblefish office were I, without even having coffee yet, summoned my best radio voice to co-host a podcast with Zach, a music chooser guy.
Alright, time to go find Ben in the astrology section so we can both figure out the meaning of life or something.
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