Kvetching Music for the Complacent

Currently listening to: Kelly Clarkson
Currently reading: again with the to-do list
I get in a panic sometimes when I realize I'm not keeping up with the proverbial Joneses. There's always some other awesome band working their way into the hearts of our potential fans. They just need to know about us. This keeps me up at night. How can I get our music out to more people while keeping a few ounces, if not a whole pound, of artistic integrity?
So, I compile these ridiculous to-do lists. Then I have a night like I'm having tonight: I hunker down, have a glass of red wine for inspiration, preferably a reasonably priced shiraz, and do some digital networking and promoting.
However, tonight was a special night. I had to be inventive due to the fact that I tore through my budget going to Cherry last Friday and subsequently had to cancel dinner with my friend/The East End founder/107.7 Promotions Director Jordin Silver and play a delightful game of "Make a Drink with the Liquor Stashed in the Freezer" since I had no money left in my budget do purchase a respectable bottle of wine. Pictured is what I came up with. My camera phone didn't quite capture the enchanting shade of teal of the liquid I'm currently imbibing, but let me be the first to tell you, a Vodka, Blue Caracao and Simply Nutritious Mega Antioxidant mix is surprisingly not totally repulsive!
Anyway, that has nothing to do with being in a band (the VBCSNMA is having an effect!). What is related to the band is my day-long mission to come up with a quick n' fast way to describe the music. It's item #1 on my to-do list (right behind the seemingly less important "finish mixing CD"...yeah, the one that's been pending release for the last six months). Apparently, this is a feat beyond even the uber-hip, professional writers at the Stranger. See "The press doesn't lie" below for their not-so descriptive description of the band. My bandmates can't label it, my girlfriend can't label it, I can't label it, but this crazy world requires that words be used to describe the music that I write.
Here are some totally not awesome things I came up with while I was working very hard at my job today:
- Rock for walking in the rain
- Music for driving at night
- Rock music for cubicle life
- Intllirock
- Rock music for pseudo-intellectuals
- Deviant music for the do-gooder
- Unquite music for the OCD
- Kvetching music for the complacent
At the end of the day (literally) I decided to just go with the horribly vague "Music that spans beyond fad, genre and gender."
While I'm finding the business part of being in a band more and more interesting, really I think I'll just record some music now.
This is my favorite: Deviant music for the do-gooder.. but I might add in 'the average do-gooder'. And yes.. your music is beyond most descriptions, I'd say.. in a good way of course!
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