Ahhh, sweet, sweet stage. It was good to be back. We had a hella fun (yes, I just used the word "hella" and I'm continuing to type about it rather than simply delete it) night this last Saturday at the
Skylark Cafe with
The Dead Americans representing from Eugene and
Sumac, the self-proclaimed Most Inactive Band one will see in Seattle. Zack from the Dead Americans did make-up for
Ben. Well, just eyeliner, but it was a good, heavy, if-I'm-gonna-wear-eyeliner

-you're-gonna-damn-well-notice-it application of eyeliner (see Ben clapping his hands and saying "hooray" here at the right). Sumac didn't need to be performing rock acrobatics on stage because their music just rocked, and that's what really matters at the end of the day. And, I finally ordered food from the Skylark and realized how awesome their menu is - I mean, tater tots, case-a-dillas, steak salad and deep-fried hostesses? Brilliant.
Sean Nelson did not attend our show.
Emily took these awesome polaroids.

Somehow, whenever we play at the Skylark, we end up getting really intoxicated. Saturday was no exception, and it was probably mostly my fault for offering hand-jobs in exchange for shots during our set. That, and we had nothing to do from 8:00PM when we loaded in until 11:00PM when we hit the stage. That's three hours of drinking for those of you bad at counting. Anyway, I heard that Marie didn't leave her bed until 4:00PM yesterday to do anything other than puke. I felt fine yesterday, however I have several bruises I can't account for.
Shouts out to Jason from
Disheveled, Tom from the
Chicken Shack, Travis fr

WE, Jason from
Juhu and Nick, the honorary Juhu, Amanda, Robin and everyone else who was there but I can't remember (blame the shots ) for being in the house.
Finally, I did go to the
U.S.E. show on Friday, but they did not (yet!) become my BFF. I did, however, do a lot of dancing and have renewed my interest in learning how to breakdance. In fact, I'd like to have breakdancers while H Is for Hellgate performs. Any takers? Also, I was inspired to wear white pants before Memorial Day. See how you empower me, U.S.E.?
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