Day 0 - Seattle (and some of Day 1 - Portland)

(Ben after seeing this picture, "Looooook at Matt Brown's tonsils.")
Today I picked up the u-haul trailer that's transporting our gear, went to the Chophouse (our practice space), and had a strategery session on packing said trailer. All in all, I think we scored high in spacial reasoning and our weight is evenly distributed. This is Van and Trailer, ready to put the pedal to the metal. Have the rubber meet the road. Bungee chord it to the wall and see what doesn't shift.

Playing at the record store was odd. There were about 15 people there and none of them seemed too interested in the loud noises we were making. But I know deep inside they were there to shop. I wished I was shopping while we were playing. Okay, not really. But I was still thinking about the pizza.
I'm going to try me best to keep you, the good world, apprised of every breath and movement of the Hellgate's journey through the Western Heartland. If the next three week are anything like today, there will be many spirited debates on ethics, morality, the good of man, survivalism, and picking a Scientologist's brain.

Peace out.
(The day is wrong on this sign.) (And the time.)
BEN IS A BAD VEGAN! look at the photographic evidence!
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