I'm a bad promoter

Currently listening to: The Carpenters
Currently reading: The Illustrated History of Canada
Being a person who is attempting to balance work, girlfriend, social life and my undying commitment to this band, I gotta say it's hard to get it all done. For example, I forgot/didn't have time/decided a vacation was more valuable than hanging the fliers I paid good money for Kinko's to duplicate more than a day before the show. The first few times it's a novelty to staple paper to telephone poles. After that, I really have to remind myself over and over that it makes a difference if people see the band name, even if they don't come to the show.
It's hard to keep motivated when you get little or nothing in return. And the little I get in return might be a product of my delusions.
In other, more upbeat news, Anacortes was a blast. The Ovulators were fun and friendly - two important features in a band. Hopefully we'll someday get down to Eugene, OR and rock their hometown. Mostly I like them because 1) the guitarist wanted to "channel my energy" and 2) I remind the drummer a lot of Carrie Brownstein. Talk about two enormous compliments.
I'm very excited to play the Skylark and Blue Moon shows. I love to play so much.
Hey peeps, sorry i couldn't make it tonight, er, Friday.
The damn car wouldn't start, and I'm not joking, and I'll be damned if I was taking a bus from West Seattle to the Blue Moon at 10:00pm (when I got home from work). Anyway, tell yourselves Travis is sorry, and that Lisa is too. Also, don't tell Ben that. Tell him to fucking fuck off.
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