Summer Vacation
Yo! Big sh*t poppin'!
We kicked our vacation off right with our show at the High Dive last Wednesday with the Hungry Pines and Blue Light Curtain. If you're in Seattle, you might remember last Wednesday as The Day It Was 100 Degrees. I'll always remember it as The First Time I Wore A Halter Top.

Tonight, Marie is playing in the Rock Lottery at Neumo's. It's pretty cool - 25 Seattle musicians where chosen and they all meet up this morning, the drummers draw names out of a hat of 4 other musicians. They have all day to write 3-5 songs and then perform them tonight at Neumo's. None of us can really figure out how Marie was chosen because all of the other bands are the popular kids at our Seattle Local Rock High School - "Awesome", Maktub, Damien Jurado, Aquaduct, Jen Wood, Akimbo, The Lashes, Harvey Danger and more. I'm sure she'll wow the cool kids with her fresh jams.
The H will be off the map for about a month while we all retreat to our summer homes in more luxurious locations, get some revitalizing spa treatments, and brush up on our golf games so we can hustle Seattle area CEOs, the proceeds from which will help fund the recording of our next album.

The practice we had a couple days earlier should have prepared us for the severe heat and 60-minutes-of-cardio-style sweating that was going on. Our practice space is a small room with no ventilation and, in very little time, David had lost his shirt and I was sporting a ghetto bra. We were forced to hydrate ourselves with Southern Comfort and the next day, I'll I knew is that i had these ridiculous pictures from Bimbo's.

That's about all that's going down at the Hellgate camp. We'll see ya'll on the flipside - Thursday, August 16th at Nectar.
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