I swear, there is NOT a better party on Halloween

If you went to the Skylark Cafe's (NadaMucho's!?!??) "Come As You Aren't" show/battle of the bands last year, you know that it's a show not to be missed this year. There was crowd fist pumping, there was dancing, there was overwhelming merriment. If you didn't see the battle for the Golden Cowbell last year (which is really a contest of bribery and over-the-top showmanship), tomorrow is your chance to witness one of the most awesome musical spectacles contemporary Seattle has to offer.
A roster of some of the best local bands you could ever have the good fortune to drink beers with will be covering 15-minutes worth of a famous band. We Wrote the Book On Connectors as The Beastie Boys. The Apple War as Queen. M.Bison as The Kinks. Bone Cave Ballet as Duran Duran. H Is for Hellgate as....
So, last year I thought it would be awesome to collaborate with Another Perfect Crime and live out our collective fantasy to be Sleater-Kinney, and I thought correctly. Observe:
I decided to put on my collaboration pants again this year and I joined forces with the ladies from Hungry Pines and Pam from Danielli and, after about a month and a dozen cover band possibilities, we settled on an obscure band known as Nirvana.
It's going to be rad, people. Yours truly is going to play drums. In public. People tend not to believe that I played all the drums on the first Hellgate album, but I did, and tomorrow I'm spirit-gumming on my best goatee and will be a short, feminine-looking Dave Grohl.
Don't attempt to go to the eight parties at which you said you'd make an appearance. Plant yourself at the Skylark and watch eight bands play for YOU.
Extra points if you dress up as Courtney Love!
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