Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Hello, Future. (Or, free Hellgate mp3s each month!)

Are you madly in love with us?

Or, are you moderately entertained by fresh take on music?

Or, are you indifferent to the power of the H, but you consider yourself a music collector?

Or, do you not really care for us, but you want to prove your indie cred to your friends because genetics is against you and you just can't grow that ironic mustache?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, we have the solution for you! Introducing the HELLGATE CLUB FOR MUSICALLY ADVANCED LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!

The HELLGATE CLUB FOR MUSICALLY ADVANCED LADIES AND GENTLEMEN is the band's exclusive posse, if you will. By joining our mailing list (via our website or myspace) you'll be privilege to:

- free, unreleased fresh-n-hot out the kitchen new demo mp3s every month
- invitations to exclusive Hellgate events (music video shoot, anyone?)
- CD listening parties- other awesomeness

Also, we will be giving away FOR FREE at all of our shows the seasonal demo songs on CD with sweet handmade artwork by local artists. They'll be limited to 100 hand-numbered copies, so get one while they're still around.

This weekend we'll be rolling out Volume 1, Issue 1 in Spokane (4/30), Bozeman (5/1), and Missoula (5/2) (yes, because maybe I like Montana better than Seattle...). If you can see us at a show, you get free new music. If you can't sign up for our mailing list and you'll get free new music.

That, my friends, is what we call a win-win. Because no matter how you feel about us, we love you for listening to our music.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

***Crocodile show this week*** Just added!

Spring is in the air.

Flowers are blooming.

People are being nice again.

You are leaving the house more often.

Did you know Thursday was the new Friday before Tuesday was the new Friday?

So, what are you doing Thursday night, April 16th? Hows about you come down to the newly fancified Crocodile and listen to our new jams on the sweet, sweet Croc system as we warm up the crowd for one of my favorite bands (no bullshit), Portugal. The Man and locals, Alligators...oui? Non? OUI OUI!

By the way, have you seen our rad new shirts? (See really hip American Apparel model at left.)We're going to run a sweet merch special this Thursday at the Croc - three bucks off our shirts or CDs if you sign up for our mailing list. And yes, you do want to be on the list because we're going to start giving away free, unreleased mp3s n' shit. More on that soon.

That's tighter than my belt after Christmas dinner!

The likely setlist on a request? Put it on our Facebook or MySpace page and, unlike radio DJs, we'll probably actually play it!

Dual Sunrise Over Magrathea
White Knife
If Someone Nails You To a Cross...
New York Times
The Sum
Sighs In Overdrive

That's all for now. SUITCASE.