Thursday, November 23, 2006

Giving Thanks

Currently listening to: songs I wrote 5 years ago
Currently reading: bad lyrics I'm rewriting

It seemed appropriate that, on the eve of the day us Americans are supposed to be thankful for being able to over eat and get up early for day-after sales, we had an amazing band practice that unfolded exactly why I'm so lucky to have come across the three people pictured at left (l-r David, Ben and Marie) and have them actually want to play music with me and put up with my flare ups of OCD.

Our practice wasn't necessarily amazing because we reached new musical heights of creativity and interconnectedness (although we might have with our wicked 5 minute jam on G), but moreso because it was just fun. Most of it was drunk, goofy, raunchy story fun due to the beers, Jameson and SoCo we passed around in between songs. But even as I was woken up horribly hung over by my dad's Happy Turkey Day call I was thankful that the four of us can be so at ease and hand out as friends and love to play music together. It's not as common in bands as one might think.

I'm not normally the sentimental type person to actually list something I'm thankful for, but I think last night the world kicked me in the ass and made me realize I shouldn't feel so downtrodden for all the setbacks we've had with labels. We've got a good thing going and we're going to be okay.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Hey, we can still be friends, right?

Currently listening to: my stomach growl

I guess we can't win them all. The nice folks at Sarathan very tactfully rejected releasing our upcoming album this week. But hey, at least they listened to it in the first place.

"... I really love the record, but unfortunately, the label isn't signing any new talent at this point. We at Sarathan have been very busy and taking on another project doesn't make sense right now... I do wish you the best of luck and I hope you keep me updated on where H is for Hellgate lands!
I'm confident success will find you..."

Rejection sucks. But, it seems like for every 10 punches to the face we get 1 Tomb Raider-style med pack that not only heals the wounds but gives us super-human strength.

That was the worst metaphor ever. It's surprising I can even write songs.

Anyway, Benapaloza this Saturday at Jules Mae's Saloon should be a hoot and a holler. Ben is going to rock it the Hellgate way and then play with is other band, the notorious We Wrote the Book on Connectors. Hilarity will ensue.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Uncool is the new red

Currently listening to: the clank of coffee cups at Vivace

Last night we played at the Comet. I was a little apathetic about the show because Ben had a pretty bad experience playing there with We Wrote the Book on Connectors a couple weeks ago. The staff was not very accommodating (only letting them use 2 mics, even though they clearly had more) and the line-up was really strange and the music started late, forcing them as the last band to cut their set short.

But, our experience was different, which was nice. I set up the show and invited Diamond Cut Diamond and Kiss Her for the Kid to play with us. Both bands had very enjoyable sets. KHftK are the nicest goddamn people and awesome songwriters to boot. DCD played first and had a fun, but pointed dance thrash kind of sound. But they left right after their, didn't even stick around to hear our first song (except the singer, she was there for a while...thanks), so I never really got a chance to chat with them and go into detail as to why I thought their music was neat.

I don't know if maybe I'm too nice or am just not getting something about some bands in Seattle, but it's my general rule that I try to watch and be supportive of the other bands we're playing with. It's not always going to be the kind of music I'm into, but I want to be supportive of anyone who's taking the time to put together a band, write songs and perform them in front of strangers. I like the sense of community that was unquestionably present in Missoula when I lived there and that we're starting to get with other bands here in Seattle. I'm giving DCD and their friends the benefit of the doubt and assuming they had to get up early this morning to go to work and that's why they couldn't stick around past their own set. And, I'm sure they're lovely people, but it seems weird that I invited them to play with us in an effort to be supportive of their music and they couldn't spare 30 minutes to listen to ours.

But, I'm sure they had really good reasons to take off. I'm not mad, and I don't dislike the DCD now, I'm just disappointed.

KHftK was a refreshing change from all that and even thanked us for inviting them to play the show. I would play with them again in a heartbeat. They get it.

It's surprising how much this is like high school with the nerds sticking together, paying no attention to our differences and the cool kids reminding us of our place in the scheme of things.


I took today off work to do a bunch of work to prep for the album release and subsequent tour. Kate from Alabaster was at the show last night and I chatted with her and her band mate about their recent tour. I've decided I'm going to book the tour myself and they offered some suggestions. I think we'll do a Western US 3-weeker. I'm so excited.

Monday, November 13, 2006

It's the Slaughter

Currently listening to: The Decemberists
Currently reading: Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

Last night was sweet. We played a benefit for the Oly Rollers, Olympia's brand new roller derby team. It was at this bar called the Brotherhood which, despite not having the best PA, was probably one of my favorite venues that I've ever played. Maybe because it was packed with nice people, maybe just because it was cozy and neatly decorated. Definitely not because Ben had to play on the stage that had a 2 1/2 drop off immediately to his left (which, had he decided to go ape shit and rock out, would have landed him partially on a pinball machine and partially on the floor) but the risk of Ben's paralyzation added to the thrill.

Anyway, the Oly Rollers were super nice and did their best to fulfill my wish to leave with cuts and bruises, but I think they were gentle. My hands are my instruments people.

In some very exciting news, I've finally set a CD release date. Mark your colanders: February 15th at the Sunset Tavern the world FINALLY gets some new H for the world's CD/MP3 players.

And, because I'm not busy enough planning an album release, tour...oh, and still mixing said album, I'm psyched to fill in on drums for The East End this weekend at a secret show at the Fenix. But it's secret, so you don't know that.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Almost the Showbox

Currently listening to: the hum of the office HVAC
Currently reading: Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

We played a rock show in Anacortes, WA at the Brown Lantern Ale House a couple weeks ago. Emily took some pictures. Here's what the pictures look like.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Halloween Weekend Bonanza

Currently listening to: The Velvet Teen
Currently reading: our new rental space lease

Apparently, last weekends shows kicked so much ass that I couldn't even blog. I don't even know what to say. Every one was awesome. Here's a summary with bullet points on why the shows were so awesome.

10/26, Skylark:
- Whiskey shots with Tiger Teenagers
- Stories about songs about multiple people from Gina Young and TT
- Not remembering that I told the story behind Activating Diane the next day when David said,
"That was really awesome when you told the story about Activating Diane. I didn't know that about the song."

10/27, Blue Moon:
- Old man yelling indiscernible things at the bands
- A very ill Jason from Juhu Beach looking like he was going to pass out, but not passing out.
- Exempli Gratia laying slay to the stage and being a perfect ending to a perfect line-up.

In other news, I found someone to master our CD at a low, low price. I also composed a timeline for the CD's release. One day, World, you will get this goddamn CD already.

Now, enjoy some pictures. Not of us actually playing, of course.