Rock n' Roll Is Dangerous
As much as I would like to brag that H Is for Hellgate finally engaged in fisticuffs with a person deserving of a few blows, I'm sad to say that 2 of the 4 of us didn't get bruised and bloodied by some obnoxious drunk, but rather Ben's Modulus bass.

We had a lot of time to kill before the show. Emily, Ben's special lady, was really feeling the effect of the free time because she is usually seen knitting or drawing. Constantly. So, we made do. She drew on the majority of H Is for Hellgate and We Wrote the Book On Connectors.
Me and some clouds raining diamonds.
Teresa's sexy librarian.
The Kindness Kind and Emblematic rocked tight sets. We were up 3rd and did our best for a Hooray-happy audience given that we were a little rusty after our one-month hiatus.
Then, on the last song, trouble began. Somehow as I was moving about the stage in a fashion that would indicate that I was "into" what I was playing, the head of Ben's bass made quick and blunt contact with my face, causing my glasses to fall to the ground and me to scramble in a Thelma-from-Scooby-Do-style fashion to find them again because I am very, very sight-impaired and couldn't even see my guitar well enough to play it. Here is my awful, awful wound.
Yeah, I know. Oww, right?
Ben is also in this band called We Wrote the Book On Connectors. As usual, they were entertaining those who dare be entertained and had thrown an inflatable beach ball into the audience for us to amusingly toss around. They were having a beach/Hawaiian theme - that's just how they do. This is them rocking.
Matt Brown, being the fun chap he is grabbed said beach ball and gave it a good, firm toss towards Ben. Coincidentally, Ben, while dancing around with his bass, somehow managed to ram it into his face, specifically, his nose. He stopped playing and then there was blood. A lot of blood.
This is Matt Brown assisting Ben while thinking that his mach speed beach ball toss had done Ben in.

And this is the impressive aftermath.

According to Ben, he received a lot of conflicting information on how one treats a broken nose. Apparently, there wasn't a doctor in the house.
So, let's review.

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