11 Tracks of Solid Gold

Currently listening to: our mastered CD
At left is my camera phone's horrible capture of a great moment in my year. It's the gold master of the first H is for Hellgate CD, self-titled. This is the final audio product of many hours of writing, playing and recording eleven songs. And, of course, I've already started on the next one. No rest for the wicked lyxxx.
Anyway, it sounds awesome. If you ever need something mastered, I suggest you talk to PJ Golden at Stereotype Records Mastering.
In other news - goddamnit Ben! I've been listening to soooooooo much Mahavishnu Orchestra. So much. I listen to John McLaughlin play guitar and then I listen to myself and I want to cut off my hand for even thinking that I could play the guitar. It's so good. And it's Ben's prog-loving fault for getting me into this mess.
Came across your blog this morning. Maybe reading about the MO will help you feel a bit better ;-) www.myspace.com/mahavishnubook
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