Holy Matrimony!

A long time ago, Ben told the band about a theory where people who are optimistic and open to opportunity tend to be luckier than their pessimistic counterparts. I believe "luck" in this case was defined by things like winning raffles, finding a $20 bill on the sidewalk, meeting the right people (the people who can help you in life), etc.
I don't know if it's intentional, but more often than the rest of us Hellgaters, Ben fits the model of his own story. Two years ago, just as he joined me to play music, he also met a sweet photographer and printmaker named Emily. The way he tells the story of life lining up for him is way more interesting than I could attempt to regurgitate on his behalf, but let me tell you this - those are two lucky, crazy-in-love kids because they have found the yin-to-their-yang companion and anyone who spends more than 30 seconds in their combined presence can feel the sense of cosmic balance that they effortlessly put forth. They have an interconnection that's almost enviable (for those of us who are loveless, anyway).
Ben and Emily will be tying the proverbial knot this Saturday and, in order to appropriately celebrate, H Is for Hellgate, along with Ben's other band, We Wrote The Book On Connectors, is playing a FREE show this Friday, April 25th at the Blue Moon Tavern (712 NE 45th St) for their friends, family, and anyone else who thinks Ben and Emily are badasses. A Gun That Shoots Knives will also be playing to help make sure it's a total ruckus.