...where a gallon of gas is $4.00 per gallon, one band will find the strength to take on the open road and play rock music where rock music has been played plenty of times before. This Memorial Day weekend, H Is for Hellgate Pictures presents, What's The Capitol of Thailand: Bangkok!, playing soon at a theatre near you.
Until then, here are the pictures:
Ben and David having my back as we get a coffee for the road before leaving Seattle.

The unspoken reality about touring: A LOT of sitting around before the show.

And when you sit around a lot of have digital cameras, this kind of crap starts happening.

Mootsy's in Spokane. Show 1 of tour.

This is La Cha Cha. La Cha Cha got us very drunk in Spokane. We will get them back when they come to Seattle.

"Fuckin' tiiiiiiiiits!!" brought to you buy Crown Royal.

Entering Missoula, MT. Day 2.

Hanging with our host and hostesses at the Union in Missoula.

Again with the killing time before the show.

The Badlander with a peculiar amount of Seattle posters.

MahaMawaldi was a metal band. The guitarist f-in' SHREDDED. With one arm. One.

Van Hellgate outside of Luckey's in Eugene, OR.

The Hellgate gear sans the Hellgaters.

Okay, so not the most exciting pictures in the world. The excitement was reserved for the mock movie trailer voices we (I) did all weekend, finding out the capitol of Thailand is (Bangkok!), talking about scissoring, and Ben tearing the only pair of pants he brought.