It's endless, it's mapless, no compass, no north star

Currently listening to: Anti-Flag
Currently reading: SQL Server 2005..still
The ugly part about being in a band (and trying to make a living out of it) is what you see pictured. It's my finance book. The left half of the spreadsheet is expenses, the right half is income. The observant reader might notice the left half much more populated than the right.
And still, for some reason beyond what I can figure out at my current level of worldly enlightenment, I'm willing, even excited, to continue on. It feels like I'm winning more battles than I'm losing, however, they tend to come in batches so it's not uncommon a few times a year to feel like I've hit bottom, have a pity party for myself ("nobody will ever like my music...") only to then have a greater series of good things happen.
That's why I spent the last couple hours making over-complicated drafts of a show poster for our show in Anacortes, only to scrap all the ideas for the most simple thing I could think of. Now, I'm off to write drum parts to the three new songs.
Ya don't stop, ya don't quit.